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As a performer

Les Préludes


Performed : December 2022 in Munich (DE)

Choreography: Stephan Herwig
Live music: 
Zoran Imširović on Frederic Chopin and Claude Debussy
Dancers : Gaetano Badalamenti, Anna Fontanet, Anima Henn, Stephan Herwig, Alexandre May, Susanne Schneider, Alessandro Sollima
Lights : Michael Kunitsch


Programe note :

"For the first time, Stephan Herwig is inspired by pre-set music for his new choreography. Seven preludes from the first book by Claude Debussy, as well as "Prélude, Op. 45”, by Frédéric Chopin, form the musical concept of the evening, played live by Zoran Imširović. The compositions each convey their own mood tonally, melodically and rhythmically. The ensemble of seven dancers explores the relationship between dance and music in various constellations and searches for forms of encounter beyond pure interpretation."

Photoggraphy : Armin Smailovic


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Photoggraphy : Alexander Ulbrich

Performed : December 2022 in Munich (DE)

Choreography: Stephan Herwig
Dancers : Anima Henn, Alexandre May, Alessandro Sollima
Lights : Michael Kunitsch


Programe note :

THE LOVERS creates a bubble in which the three lovers encounter one another beyond stereotypical gender roles. Their bodies interweave in changing constellations; immersed in physicality, they create sculptural moments that alternate with dynamic phases. They expand the boundaries of selfhood, but without losing themselves. A temporary utopia in the format of a chamber play comes into being.

Wee Dance Performances



Performed : Mai 2018 Görlitz (DE) 

Choreography: Noa Zuk & Ohad Fishov

Photography : Marli Kross

Lithuanian performances


Performed : January – March 2017 touring in Lithuania

Choreography: BirutÄ— LetukaitÄ— and dancers
Live music: Antanas Jasenka
Costumes: Kristina Čyžiūtė, Birutė Letukaitė
Lights: Vladimiras Šerstabojevas


Programe note :

“The world is full of secrets. Some of them we carefully keep, some we reveal. Sometimes we even don‘t know about their existence or cautiously hide them under the shatter of glass, as a piece of ourselves.

In the performance “Sekretas” the dancers of AURA Dance Theatre are creating choreographic pictures, changing as the view in kaleidoscope and whispering their secrets with the bodies. What a huge pleasure to blow away the snow of feathers and gasp from astonishment, isn‘t it?”

From our failures

From our failures

Performed :

October 2016 – MCCS Molenbeek St-Jean (Brussels - Belgium)


Choreography: Julie Magneville
Music composition :  Mathieu Daviaud
Dancers: Erika Schipa, Stéphanie Mathys and Alexandre May

You see ?

You see ?

This piece is the result of the collaboration between the composer Alberto Granados Reguilón and the choreographer Julia Gómez Avilés, who intrigued by the concept of blindness, and inspired by many different arts including the literary work “Blindness” by José Saramago and the series of paintings “No connection” by Julia Filament, they created a performative work where movement and sound merge into a complete piece that could be seen as a journey of humankind that perforce gets blinded with the course of time.

Talent on the move - TOTM

Talent on the Move

Performed :

February – June 2016 – Touring in The Netherlands and Siedlce, Poland


Talent On The Move is a dance performance that every third year student in Codarts has the opportunity be involved with. It gives young dancers the opportunity to know how to deal with a repertoire of several pieces of diverse contemporary aesthetic influences and a tour of many dates. A first step into professional career.

For Talent On The Move, Alexandre danced Things in common from Amos Ben Tal, Boiled from Joeri Dubbe and Part Trap Time Remix from Ton Simons.

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